Family Law2025-03-27T10:16:12+00:00

Divorce & Separation

Divorce can be one of the most difficult times in your life, but we aim to make the process as easy and painless as possible.

P.A.Dorrian & Co. LLP provide a full and comprehensive Family Law service.

Our professional team is experienced in:

• Divorce

• Legal Seperation

• Cases involving domestic violence

• Child Protection

• Nullity

Legal Aid is available in many cases and our solicitors will be happy to assist you with any application.

Our pricing structure is flexible depending on the complexity of the case and we are often prepared to enter into reasonable payment plans.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We have separated – how long do I have to wait for a divorce2024-08-30T16:47:21+00:00

In order to obtain a divorce in this jurisdiction a person must be separated for two years prior to the institution of proceedings.

A judicial separation may be applied for when the parties have been separated for one year.

What is the difference between a Divorce and a Legal Separation?2018-07-16T08:46:59+00:00

The principal difference between a divorce and a legal separation is that a divorce entitles parties to remarry.

Request a Callback

We’re here to help answer your questions. Judicial matters can be complicated, our experts are on hand to help inform you of every aspect regarding your topic. Fill out the information to receive a callback from one of our team of solicitors.

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